Saturday, May 25, 2019

Marketing Channel Management Exam Essay

recreate start each section on a new page. 3. Please compose clearly and neatly. label will be penalized for bad writing. 4. Cross out any unwritten pages in the answer sheet. 5. Calculators are allowed to be used during the exam. Section A 5 X 2 Marks = 10 Marks This section consists of Multiple Choice questions. Please mark you answer in the answer sheet by writing only the option number after the question number.Please write only what is asked. As a thumb rule, write a level best of a page for each 10 marks and half a page for a 5 marks question. 1. Define Marketing Channels. Explain how and wherefore marketing channels are managed. marks 2. What are the responsibilities of a gross revenue executive? 5 marks 3. Illustrate the sales call process and write down all the steps involved in the sales call. 5 marks 4. Draw a typical marketing channel for a crapper product and flesh out the flow with directions for the following A. Money B. Stock C. Information 10 marks Section C T his section consists of numerical questions. Please illustrate all steps and try to show calculations wherever possible. Please state any assumption you are making clearly. Question 15 marksPlease estimate the number of sales executives, and supervisors needed for the following Channel Partner for Hindustan Singleshaft which is a top FMCG company in India. The channel partner has to service gee outlets. The categorization is given below along with the time required to complete a sales call at each outlet and the frequency of tour the outlets.The time required to travel from one outlet to another is 10 minutes on an average. Each Sales Executive has a six solar day work week and works for 10 hours a day including an hour long lunch break. So each sales executive has 9 good hours of work for 6 six days a week. Assume a 10% buffer sales force in your estimation. For every 4 sales executives one supervisor is required to supervise them.

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